this time i talked about the maya exporter i wrote so i could defines whatever i want where i want and the why i want, without sticking to id md5 format.
when you want to create maya exporter you have few options:
1. create plugin dll
2. create exe application and call maya functions
3. create mel script
i choose option 2 because it more easy to debug and doesn't need your maya run everytime you want to export and test something, the drawback is the you don't go to file menu in maya, select export and see your new format.
option 3 is also good if you know mel script, but doesn't allow you to access everything in maya, and i don't think you have tools to debug it like in dev studio.
anyway, the new format called OGE, this format designed to support both static and dynamic models.
the structure of this format looks like this:
mesh_info - vertices count, texcoords count, normal count, weight_count (if animated), faces etc...
material_info - the name to material defined in .mtr script
mesh_data - vertices, normals, texcoords, indices etc...
anim_data - weights, skeleton data
global for all meshes
anim_data - anim sets count, fps of each set, joints animated and their anim data
the reason anim_data is shared between all meshes is because each mesh could have different influence on specific joints and those have it own skinCluster, because i don't want to manage and control animation controller per skinCluster, i'm merging those skinCluster's data into one skinCluster data and export it as it was single skin for the whole model meshes.
each of those data is optional and could be selected from the exporter ui.
here i a screenshot of the exporter:
1. convert from right to left handed (maya uses right handed, engine uses left handed)
2. convert from Y up to Z up (engine uses z up)
3. export position, normals, texture coordinates (possible to invert v coord)
4. export materials
5. export animations, possible to set animation name
6. at right i have meshes list, this list allows me to export only the meshes i select. skinned meshes will be shown with '(skinned)' keyword after their name.
the reason i have the option to overwrite animation name is that i can use the exporter to create animation files (containing only animation data without geometry data).
the model could be created at first with one idle animation (or without animation at all), and at later point i can add more animations to it.
also, if you have few characters with same skeleton, you don't want to duplicate all animations, you just want to have shared animation folder containing all animation files for those characters.
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